Mazawattee Tea Company 英國最早的品牌,創辦人John Lane Densham,他的家族企業經營這個牌子相當成功,但在1915年John 因身體狀況辭去了執行長,加上諸多社會變故導致二戰後只好脫手公司。
Mazawattee Tea Company 當時的宣傳照,這是英國最早數一數二,做成茶葉品牌的公
World War II caused terrible destruction to the firm: in late 1940 the Tower Hill building was bombed and wrecked.
The Mazawattee Tea Company, founded in 1887 by the Densham family, was one of the most important and most advertised tea firms in England during the late 19th century. Traditionally the origin of tea-drinking lies in China and the famous Tea Clipper ships raced across the seas to bring tea to London. In the 18th century, tea had become an important drink in Britain especially for the wealthy, but it was not until the 1850s (by which time tea plantations had been successfully established in India, especially in Assam, and in Ceylon) that a real expansion occurred.